World Suicide Prevention Day is a global event observed every year on September 10.

Join us on September 10 for a day filled with information, conversation and self-care. Together, we can change the narrative.

Staff will be at all locations to answer questions and provide information.

PLEASE NOTE: If you have lost a loved one to suicide, The Living Beyond Suicide Support Group begins September 12, 2024. Please contact Dawne at 403.347.2480 or to register.

If you or someone you know is at risk, please reach out for help.


  • Alberta Mental Health: 1.877.303.2642
  • Suicide Distress Line: 1.800.784.2433

On April 1, 2020, Suicide Information & Education Services and Women’s Outreach officially came together to become The Outreach Centre. All services and teams remain the same. For more information, call 403.347.2480.

Thank you to the sponsors of this event:

Each year, more Albertans die by suicide than the number of people who die in motor vehicle collisions (Alberta Health Services, 2021).

10 Canadians die by suicide each day, with up to 200 others attempting suicide, making if the 9th leading cause of death in Canada (Canadian Association of Suicide Prevention, 2022).

Suicide creates an aftershock for those who knew the person; up to 100 people can be left affected by the death. This means over 400,000 Canadians are bereaving suicide loss each year (Canadian Associations of Suicide Prevention, 2022). 

Experiencing conflict, disaster, violence, abuse, or loss and a sense of isolation are strongly associated with suicidal behaviour (World Health Organization, 2021).