Safe Visitation & Monitored Exchange

Safe Visitation
What is Safe Visitation?
When families are dealing with the impact of domestic violence, the Safe Visitation program is a neutral, child focused program which allows children to continue to have access to their non-custodial parent in a safe, structured and supportive environment. We support the premise that children grow up to be healthier, adaptive individuals who are better able to contribute to the community when a supportive connection is maintained with both parents, even after separation or divorce.
Who is eligible?
The Safe Visitation Program is offered to children living within families impacted by intimate partner violence or family violence in central Alberta. Eligible children have a pre-existing relationship with their non-custodial parent and wish to continue this parent-child bonding process.
Families may be referred to the program through a Court Order, Legal Services, Victims Services, RCMP, Children’s Services, one of our many community partners, or a self-referral by either parent as long as both parents are cooperative with the process. Please note that not all referrals will be accepted into the program.
What are the benefits?
- Provides children with an environment to actively engage in a safe, meaningful visit with their non-custodial parent.
- Allows non-custodial parents the opportunity to rebuild or maintain a healthy, consistent relationship with their child.
- A safe, secure and supportive environment for all parties, including children, their custodial parents and their non-custodial parents.
- Reduced opportunity for conflict between parents and families.
Where do we start?
Both parents are responsible for contacting the agency by phone at 403.347.2480 to complete a screening with the Safe Visitation Program Coordinator before starting the intake application process. The Program Coordinator will inform the parents of the required documentation needed to complete your application for services. Intake appointments are conducted separately, followed by a children’s orientation to the program.
What to expect:
- Supervised visits are conducted within our secure facility at The Outreach Centre
- Once a family is accepted into the program, a specific time in our visitation roster will be assigned to them. Each family is eligible for one 1.5 hour visit per week, at no cost.
- Scheduled visits are held on Wednesday and Friday evenings, and Sundays.
- Due to limited space, only the visiting children and their visiting biological parent will be permitted to enter the visitation environment.
- Service provision does not include parenting assessments, clinical treatment, mediation or monthly reporting.
For more information or to apply for the Safe Visitation Program, call the Program Coordinator directly at 403.347.2480.

Monitored Exchange
The Monitored Exchange program facilitates the safe and conflict-free transfer of children between primary and non-custodial parents, where direct contact between parents is prohibited or no contact is requested by the parents.
The Monitored Exchange program supports non-violence and strengthening of families by offering parents and children the ability to participate in a safe, conflict-free exchange. These Monitored Exchanges help remove some of the stress of transferring the children in a safe space with the assistance of a neutral third party. This helps eliminate negative contact between parents and avoid future disharmony.
Who qualifies for the program?
Families who have experienced domestic violence/disharmony or the ongoing threat of domestic abuse and whose children are exposed to negative interactions.
If you would like more information regarding the Monitored Exchange Program please call 403.347.2480 or 1.866.347.2480.