Housing Stability Programs
Housing is a right, not a privilege.
Housing is fundamental to quality of life. Living without a home is a stark reality for some residents of Red Deer today. Multiple factors have contributed to the increase in homelessness over the past few decades; lack of affordable housing, deinstitutionalization and increased poverty. Substance abuse, addiction and the decline of casual labour can also play a part (Everyone’s Home – Red Deer’s Vision & Framework on Ending Homelessness by 2008 – 2018).
For women in particular, domestic violence is a leading cause of homelessness.
Homelessness can be caused by:
- poverty
- unemployment
- lack of affordable housing
- poor physical or mental health
- drug and alcohol abuse
- gambling
- family and relationship breakdown
- domestic violence
- physical and/or sexual abuse.
The problem of homelessness and housing exclusion refers to the failure of society to ensure that adequate systems, funding and support are in place so that all people have access to housing (The State of Homelessness in Canada, 2013). For those battling homelessness, it is nearly impossible to get a job, to achieve treatment for mental health, or to battle against substance abuse and addictions issues. Solving the affordable-housing-crisis is the first and most necessary step towards battling homelessness, mental health and addictions.
Homelessness influences every facet of a child’s life — from conception to young adulthood. The experience of homelessness inhibits the physical, emotional, cognitive, social, and behavioral development of children.
Housing Programs
Red Deer Housing Team
What is Housing First?
Housing first does not require people experiencing homelessness to address all of their problems including behavioural health problems, or to graduate through a series of services or programs before they can access housing. Housing First does not mandate participation in services either before obtaining housing or in order to retain housing. The Housing First approach views housing as the foundation for life improvement and enables access to permanent housing without prerequisites or conditions beyond those of a typical renter. Supportive services are offered to support people with housing stability and individual well-being, but participation is not required as services have been found to be more effective when a person chooses to engage.
The philosophy of the Red Deer Housing Team
As a philosophy our program focuses on any attempt to help people who have experienced homelessness to access housing before providing assistance and support with any other life issues
The Red Deer Housing Team will:
- assist individuals and families experiencing homelessness to find and maintain housing
- provide tools to remove barriers causing homelessness
- assist people gain a sense of hope and safety while maintaining long term housing
- provides case management to individuals and families engaged in the program
If you are experiencing homelessness and would like more information regarding the Red Deer Housing Team please call 403-347-2480 or 1-866-347-2480.
Housing Outreach
Intake process
Walk in Clients at the Outreach Centre complete a pre-intake form allowing us to identify their immediate needs. Once we have assessed the concerns, they would be referred with the appropriate outreach worker.
If housing is a concern for you we will evaluate your situation and if you meet the criteria for the Red Deer Housing Team you will do a housing assessment by our partner agency (Safe Harbour Society). If you qualify you will meet with one of the Housing Team to start working on finding suitable housing. If the criteria is not met we will supply a Housing package and some support may be available.
Rural Outreach
Rural Outreach brings the programs that we have available to the individual communities within Central Alberta. The Outreach Centre works with the individual communities providing access to information, advocacy, education and referrals. Our aim is to provide rural residents one to one support that helps individuals identify internal strengths and coping skills as well as external resources if needed.
Personal care program
Our personal care program consists of basic products for our existing clients, our staff will assess their needs on an individual basis and help with supplying products for them.
Red Deer Housing Team Homeless Prevention Program
Red Deer Housing Team Homeless Prevention Program serves those individuals and families who are at risk of losing their housing or have been homeless for less than 3 months. This program is a rapid response intervention providing support to stop an eviction, disconnection or foreclosure. It is a one-time assistance program to be used as a last resort once all other options have been explored. Clients must be willing to explore with us all resources available to prevent their loss of housing.
Eligibility for Red Deer Housing Team Homeless Prevention Program:
- Applicant must have an eviction, disconnection or foreclosure notice.
- Applicant must be under the lease agreement.
- Must have an income and provide verification of funds.
- Applicant must be willing to work with RDHT Homeless Prevention Program Support Worker to determine if they can afford to maintain their current housing or be willing to relocate to more sustainable housing.
To apply for this program, fill out the application form. Completed forms can be submitted to: info@theoutreachcentre.org. You will be contacted by our Prevention Support Worker.
Please note that this process is dependent on your unique circumstance, with priority given to supporting people with imminent evictions, disconnections or foreclosure.
If you have a question about one of our programs, please submit the form below and a staff member will be in touch shortly.
For more information:
Call The Outreach Centre at 403.347.2480 or email info@theoutreachcentre.org.