The Central Alberta Womens Outreach Society (CAWOS) opened its doors in 1984 as an agency devoted to supporting women affected by family violence by providing the tools to create a safer, healthier and more secure life for themselves and their families. In 2012, The Central Alberta Womens Outreach Centre co-located with Suicide Information and Education Services at the current facility on Taylor Drive. In 2020, these agencies fully merged under The Outreach Centre banner to optimize their shared expertise, board and resources operating under the governance of the Central Alberta Outreach Society (CAOS).
The organization has effectively adapted and expanded programming to meet increasingly complex issues within communities and the people we serve. Programs have evolved to provide services to adults and children who are affected by domestic violence, suicide, homelessness and the effects of poverty.
The Outreach Centre: supporting
people with programs that inspire hope.
Connecting with community members to provide skills and supports to safely move people forward in their lives with dignity.
Help people overcome the effects of domestic violence, suicide,
homelessness and poverty through effective partnerships, education and programming.

On April 1, 2020, Suicide Information & Education Services and Women’s Outreach officially came together to become The Outreach Centre. All services and teams remain the same. For more information, call 403.347.2480.
The Outreach Centre is operated by the non-profit Central Alberta Outreach Society. We are gratefully funded by donations from the public and business community, and from grants from various orders of government and other agencies.
We are governed by a volunteer Board of Directors and our staff are supported by many volunteers. If you’d like to be involved, please donate, volunteer, or work with us.
Our 4 Pillars of Service

Healthy Relationships
Domestic Violence
Mental & Emotional Well-being
Suicide prevention, intervention
and post-vention
Helping people become
Housing Stability
Homelessness and
those at risk
WE RESPOND TO OUR COMMUNITY’S NEEDS by providing solutions that are integrated, sustainable and responsive. We recognize the impact that our Four Pillars has on our community as a whole and on the individuals and organizations that make up our community.
WE WORK TOGETHER as individuals and organizations to address our Four Pillars in our community. We leverage existing mandates, authorities and accountabilities through commitment, innovation and creativity. We contribute our skills, knowledge, experience and resources to achieve collective results.
WE ENGAGE PARTNERS in all levels of government, the non-profit sector, the philanthropic community, the academic community, the private sector, and our target populations, helping to design and deliver the best possible programming aligning with our Four Pillars.
WE ARE EFFECTIVE and base our decisions and our actions on evidence and best practices that are most likely to achieve our Mission and Vision. We respect the processes needed for action but focus on getting timely and sustainable results. We work together to ensure that time, effort and funds are well spent and that our results have a positive impact.
WE PROVIDE LEADERSHIP by using action, resources and work hard to drive the community’s commitment. We stay informed and contribute to the body of knowledge addressing our Four Pillars. We learn from others and share our own information and best practices.
WE ARE ACCOUNTABLE to our community for our actions and results. We build trust in each other and collectively build the community’s trust in us. We are always ethical, honest and respectful.