Dragonfly Children’s Healing Centre
The goal of the Dragonfly Children’s Healing Centre is to enhance the wellbeing of children, parents, families and community through early prevention.
The Centre relies on the expertise of wrap around services of the Outreach Centre’s professional staff. The trauma-informed therapeutic approach provided through the Dragonfly Children’s Healing Centre will nurture, protect, enrich, educate and provide healing avenues for children and youth who are experiencing trauma from domestic violence, homelessness, and suicide.
The Centre provides a spectrum of services and programs to children and youth from Red Deer and Central Alberta. It is our goal through collaboration with our partners that children and youth who have experienced potentially traumatizing events/patterns of events have the opportunity to heal and develop healthy skills and behaviours.
Dragonfly Children’s Healing Centre Programing consists of:
- Child and Adolescent Therapy.
- Child Parent Relationship Therapy.
- Multi-Sensory Therapy (Snoezelen Room).
- Support Groups with a therapeutic approach.
- Youth Boundaries
- Living beyond Trauma

Dragonfly Centre Programs
Play Therapy
Play therapy:
- is a therapeutic approach based on developmental principles
- is a process where the child chooses objects, symbols, or types of play to express their inner concerns or work through particular problems
- is facilitated by a trained and certified Child Therapist who is skilled in interpreting child’s play, assists in promoting growth and change
- is beneficial to your child’s development and offers the opportunity to make sense of their world
- uses the whole self (mind and body) to express unconscious thoughts, fears, anxieties, and wishes to process or resolve “stuck” thoughts or feelings
The Playroom is viewed as the child’s kingdom where they are free to explore and express themselves through various mediums such as fantasy, play, sand play, puppets, and miniatures. The toys are carefully selected to offer an opportunity to engage the child’s imagination and express various feelings and experiences.
Parent involvement:
As a parent you may be involved in one or all of the following roles:
- Observer – you can report what surfaces at homes between sessions
- Advocate – you may be asked to introduce ideas to family members as well as school, daycare personnel, or those who care for your child
- Play Partner – you may be asked to join sessions for specific reasons or to follow a “play time” recipe at home
- Provider of Limits – family routines, rules and limits will be explored and you may be asked to experiment with new ideas in your child’s environment
Play therapy is a two way process. Parents know their child best and we believe that effective treatment requires a team effort and an open flow of information.
All children are unique in how they move forward in stages of Play Therapy. Length of time depends on the presenting problem and level of family support. After every 3 – 4 sessions, the Therapist will check in with the parent/caregiver in order to gain and share insight and feedback, as well monitor and agree on the durations of sessions.
For those interested in more information on Play Therapy and to register your child please contact The Outreach Centre at 403-347-2480.
There is no charge for this service.
Daycare Centre
The Daycare is currently closed. For more information, call 403.347.2480.
We want to help you. Please connect!
For more information:
Call The Outreach Centre at 403.347.2480 or email info@theoutreachcentre.org.