School Based Education Programs
We provide educational presentations for Kindergarten to Grade 12.
We provide programs related to suicide prevention by focusing on age appropriate topics that help foster resiliency and mental health. Presentations are booked per class with a maximum of 30-40 students.
For more information or to book a session, call 403.347.2480 or email
Kindergarten – How I Feel
Length – 30 minutes
Guided explorations of comfortable feelings, with a focus on seeking help from trusted adults.
Grade 1 – How I Act
Length – 30 minutes
Activities addressing emotional regulation and building healthy coping skills for uncomfortable feelings.
Grade 2 – How Can I Help?
Length – 1 hour
Exploration into empathy building, appropriate responses and effective help seeking behavior.
Grade 3 – Who Am I?
Length – 1 hour
Students explore their strengths, talents and what they love about themselves while building self-esteem.
Grade 4 – What Now?
Length – 1 hour
Discussion and activites around decision making, appropriate choices and taking responsibility.
Grade 5 – How I Act Online
Length – 1 hour
Participants explore social media, online behaviors, potential benefits and long-term consequences.
Grade 6 – How Do I Treat You?
Length – 2 hours
Bullying prevention focusing on the bullying triangle, reasons, consequences of bullying, what to do and how to report the bullying situation.
Grade 7 – How Do I Cope?
Length – 1 hour
Focus on the science behind stress and building effective coping mechanisms.
Grade 8 – Self Harm
Length – 1 hour
Conversation around self-harm behavior, risk factors, positive coping skills and help seeking behavior.
Grade 9 – Mental Health Literacy
Length – 1 hour
Exploration of mental health vs. mental illness and building personal resilience.
CALM & High School Sessions
Suicide Awareness
Length – 2 hour minimum (usually two 80 minute sessions)
Open discussion of risk factor, suicidal behavior, reconizing warning signs and seeking help.
Depression Awareness
Length – 80 minutes
Focus on breaking down the stigma around depression, learning about symptoms and what support is available.
Stress of Tests
Length – 1 hour
Addressing effective study habits, causes of test anziety and building de-stressing skills.